custom 2017 Burning of Dublin Custom House 1921The plan for this year’s commemoration.

At 12.30 pm we will assemble at the statue in the grounds of the Custom House, the small gate at Beresford Place will be open.

12.55: We will start the ceremony with a piper from Dublin Fire Brigade playing a tune to signal the start of the wreath laying. Gary Deering will introduce the Wreath Layers. The wreath for the four civilians who died will be laid this year by Pauline Moynihan who is the cousin of John Byrne one of the civilians killed during the burning. The wreath for the five IRA men who died will be laid by Sharon Gray who is a relative of Dan Head the youngest IRA Volunteer to die on the day.

After the wreaths are laid we will have a one minute silence as we remember all those who fought and died on the day, The piper will then play a lament. This will finish the formal ceremony.

We will then go into the Custom House. The Visitor Centre will be open for anyone who wants to have a look around, also tea and coffee will be served.

To finish the event off Liz Gillis and Mícheál Ó Doibhilín will launch their new book on the Burning of the Custom House.

Gary Deering