Full name: John William Nolan.
Addresses: 21 Arranmore Avenue (1901); 116 Phibsborough Road (1911); 52 Norfolk Road, Phibsborough; 3 Glencloy Road, Whitehall.
Unit: A Coy, 2nd Batt and No. 2 Coy, 5th Batt (Engineers). Later with CID.
Born: 27 March 1898 at 8 Middle Mountjoy Street.
Parents: Laurence (a Bookseller) and Annie Clancy.
Siblings: Jack had two younger sisters, Annie and Mary.
Military Service: No Military Pension files online. Sadly, his arrest at the Custom House and internment in Kilmainham Gaol are all we know about.
Personal Life: He married Eileen Cass on 3 September 1929 at St. Agatha’s Church, North William Street. They had sons and daughters (including Dolores, Sheila, Ann and William). Jack died on 7 November 1966 aged 69 at St. Brendan’s Hospital. He was a married retired CIE Fitter (Inchicore Works) late of 3 Glencloy Road, Whitehall. Buried in Glasnevin Cemetery, plot IL64.5, St. Patrick’s section. He was survived by his widow Eileen (who passed away in 1994), sons, daughters, in-laws and his two sisters.
There was no obituary in the papers but the Old IRA Association published their condolences to Jack’s family.
Remarks: Jack liked to draw and sketch, producing several cartoons while in Kilmainham.
Jack also liked to write in autograph books!
Relatives: None in contact.
Des White
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