Full name: John William Nolan.Addresses: 21 Arranmore Avenue (1901); 116 Phibsborough Road (1911); 52 Norfolk Road, Phibsborough; 3 Glencloy Road, Whitehall.Unit: A Coy, 2nd Batt and No. 2 Coy, 5th Batt (Engineers). Later with CID.Born: 27 March 1898 at 8 Middle Mountjoy Street.Parents: Laurence (a Bookseller) and Annie Clancy.Siblings: Jack had two younger sisters, Annie and Mary.Military Service: No Military Pension files online. Sadly, his arrest at the Custom House and internment in Kilmainham Gaol are all we know about. His entry in Cyril Daly’s autograph book (Courtesy of Kilmainham Gaol Museum)Jack is on the extreme right in the middle row (Courtesy of Kilmainham Gaol Museum)Personal Life: He married Eileen Cass on 3 September 1929 at St. Agatha’s Church, North William Street. They had ...

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